1. Theory test
a. Learning
I read the book "The passenger car" and verify the knowledge with the application "teoritentamen".
The book "The passenger car" will provide
- All the basic traffic signs and traffic rules in Norway.
- A little of technical requirements and some techniques while driving
- An overview of safe driving with statistics
Drawback: the information might be outdated at some points.
Teoritentamen app
- You can learn quickly traffic signs and traffic rules via quizzes
- The quizzes are closed to the actual test at Statens Vegvesen in terms of the question design.
Drawback: you need to spare a fixed time to complete the progress as soon as possible. The longer you take the more money you pay.
b. Exam
There are 45 questions, and you are able to make mistakes up to 7 questions. Otherwise, you will fail the theory test.
From my point of view, 15-17% of questions are quite tricky. All the answer options are similar to each other, and you have to choose the best answer. You could learn the form of such the tricky questions in Teoritentamen app.
2. Practical test
a. Learning
The passenger car book will give you an overview of the practical test. You know how many obligatory courses you need to collect. But when it comes to how to achieve those items, I have no idea what I should do. I will write it down here so you can take it as your reference.
I will skip the course "grunnkurs" as it is obligatory only for those who are under 25 years of age. Below are the check list you have to complete:
- Trafikant i mørket (driving in the dark)
- Tiltak ved trafikkulykke (First aid)
- Kjøretimer (8 lessons x 1.5 hours)
Basic techniques:
- Basic maneuvers
- Setting Up Before Driving - Seat and Mirrors
- Hand positioning on the wheel while turning or driving straight in a long period.
- Foot placement on car pedals.
- Judge the Left and Right side of the car while driving
- Turning at intersections
- Turn left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvvUt8mAxHk
- Turn right:
- P1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7DmFiSKFrc
- P2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-gjGXak20A
- P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW_gbUh2Tso
- Adjusting speed while turning
- Vision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyYT1N_VbNs
Besides, I practice myself by watching the following series
- Vision in Driving
- Part 1 - Visual Field / Focus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYWB3AIUnVU
- Part 2 - View Blockers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyN68JmfwQs
- Part 3: Getting The Big Picture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F-tYf_2zgQ
- Part 4: More View Blockers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Aml3mOtes
- Safe Distances When Driving
- Stop Sign
- Part 1 – Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9D4Tib7CDE
(Coming soon)
b. Exam
You can sign up the practical test at Statens Vegvesen yourself, and don't forget to ask if you can borrow the car from the school.
(Coming soon)
c. Best practice by photos
- Your eyes should look at where you are going (this is similar to what you do while walking)
- Break before you turn, release and accelerate slightly after the turn (apply when the speed > 40-45km/h, the angle is too large > 50 degree, or a hard situation)
- Conduite Facile
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ClH977D0Yg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySC30MnnxKY
EPI ??
EPI ??
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